Foreign Investment will have positive impact on India | Vinay Saboo | hybiz tv

2020-06-25 2

The Indian Automobile industry has been very strong foothold in manufacturing accessories and automobile parts , the accessories industry is very strong in India and it is bound to grow even more in future,
Investments are bound to come to India but they need support from all the government agencies in each and every state and they need to invite the investors and manufacturers from abroad who will like to invest in India.
For any economy, if the industrialization doesn't take place the economy will not grow you can't entirely depend only on IT industries or Agriculture , for the growth of an nation engineers play a small important role and we are looking forward to a lot of new collaborations for lot of new companies to come to India which will definitely improve the quality of products what we are using and also the products what we will export
Foreign investment will definitely have a positive impact on India.